Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Biglou's Sporting News of the Day..... When did ESPN become the Redsawx Local TV Network???

Biglou had to watch the Yankee game last nite on ESPN.. Biglou did not know that ESPN stands  for.. "We are the Boston Redsox TV channel"... Biglou did not know that...

While watching the Yankee game on the new Redsox TV channel, Biglou had to listen to Mr. Know-it-all "Curt Schilling" and his Redsox Partner  who was traded before they won anything NOMAAAAR....Nomaar was let go by the RedSucks right when they got good... and NOMAAR got real BAD,  REAL Quick....

Whatever happened to NOMAAAR... he now works for the REDSOX TV NETWORK also Known as ESPN...

By the way, Phil Hughes did NOT make it out of the sixth inning... Did anyone think Phil Hugles would make it out of the 6th Inning... Biglou did not.... Biglou predicted Phil Hughes would not make it out of the sixth inning...

And This Brook Logan....  Does Brook Logan ever get a left handed batter out???   Brook Logan has ONE JOB..... GET David Ortiz OUT......  That is it....Jacoby Elsbury went deep off of him..... a lefty.....  

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