Saturday, October 8, 2011

Gators getting butts whooped.... Biglou happy today

compared to yesterday when the Yankees got beat,,, Biglou looks much happier today......

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sox, Rays, Braves, Cardinals,,, they all have one thing in COMMON...

Biglou says they all are HORRIBLE...

First the SAWX... They have blown up, thrown up. and gave up a 9 game lead in ONE MONTH....

Second the RAYS.... Biglou says just look at that Lineup... Take out EVAN and they got goo...gots....

Third  the BRAVES....  as they say at the Winghouse... "need biglou say more"... Talk about a flop, talk about no heart.  talk about giving up.... Biglou says there is no way they win tonite... if they win tonite the score will be 2-1...

Fourth the CARDINALS.... the Cardinals are so bad they let the mets come back and beat them last week... and this week they are playing the pathetic Astros.. and the Astros are kicking their butts...

This is why there should NOT be Wildcard teams ... They are all horrible

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Biglou is Watching both the Rays, and The Sox, Right Now

Biglou is watching 2 games at once..... It can be done...... Biglou is proving it...... Biglou has not missed a pitch in either game all nite..... It looks like those Sawx and those Rays are gonna win tonite....  Setting up a great day for BASEBALL tomorrow.... Hopefully they tie......

Biglou not  sure what will happen if they tie.... Where will the tiebreaker game be held????   Biglou is not sure... But he will find out for YOU>>>>!!!!
Sep 27 @Rays123456789





Sep 27 @Orioles123456789

Red Sox002302010



Sox kind of lucky tonite again.... That Eric Bedard is horrible...

Sox Lose, Rays Win... TIE goes to the RUNNER.....

What the heck is biglou talking about... Tie goes to the runner.... There are NO Ties.. Biglou's Question of the Day... is  a What iffer...

Biglou not sure if Angels won last nite.. but if they did... and if ALL Three tie fot the Wild Card... WHAT HAPPENS????

What is the status .. What Happens????

All biglou knows is the Sawx got lucky to beat the Yanks on Sunday Nite......  The socks are spriraling Down Real FAST.. and Biglou aint losing sleep over it.....

Biglou will be at the Rays Final game of the season on WEDNESDAY.... LOOk for Biglou at the game...... Biglou and the 14000 other fans the Rays will bring in for the biggest game of the season... and half of those will be Yankee Fans....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Its Official, MO is the greatest pitcher of all time..!!!

Or at least the greatest closer of all time...

If there was any doubt..   It should be over NOW... MO is the Greatest

Red Sawx, falling apart... Here come the Rays....

Biglou enjoyed watching the RAYS take 3 out of 4 from the Sawx.. Sox falling apart...and Biglou is NOT sad about that.....

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Nobody circles the wagons like the ....

Buffalo Bills..

The Buffalo Bills got lucky today... biglou thought the raiders caught the ball for that Hail the end of the game....

Biglou thought the Raider caught it, and the guy on Buffalo pulled it out at the end..

If it is a catch by the offense and the defense,, The offensive player is suppose to get the ball... Biglou knows all football RULES

Thursday, September 15, 2011

So, If the last 3 outs of a Baseball Game are the Hardest Outs to get... Does that make....

Mariano Rivera the Greatest Pitcher of all time?????. Because he  gets the last 3 outs of a  baseball game more that anyone who has ever pitched????????

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Will MO get 600th SAVE tonite....

Biglou will be watching tonite to see if Mariano gets his 600th save tonite in SEATTLE..

Biglou has seen all 599, so He probably will stay up extra late tonite to watch #600...

Biglou has seen at least 101 of MO's SAVEs live at the game site itself... Tonite Biglou will be watching it on TV Because Biglou does not like to fly to Seattle because it is always dark and rainy there, and that makes Biglou not happy..

Biglou will be in his recliner watching every pitch like he does every day.....  Here is a list of ALL of MO's 599 saves so far..

Biglou just found out that One of MO's former teamates, Johnny DAMON is tied for making the most final outs for MO's saves.... JOHNNY has made the final out in a MO save 6 times, so has Ray Durham, Mark Mclemore, BJ Surhoff, and the BigHURT Frank Thomas... How about That...........

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sawx GET SWEpt.... READ all About it.....

Sawx get swept and BIGLOU was there to see it all.... Biglou brought his BRoom to the game and by golly...Biglou used his Broom to sweep the SAWX out of St. Pete..

There are no SAWX left in ST.PETE cuz, Biglou and the RAYS SWEPT them out of the TROP...

If you look closely at the picture to the right ... You will see a very clean Tropicana Field, Home of the RAYS..and you can see a very clean field,  Because the field has been swept and there are no SAWX left on the field...

The Sawx have been swept AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rays, Redsox, Biglou was at the game Today......!!!!!!

More Cowbells... Biglou needs more cowbells... Biglou was at the Trop Today... That is Tropicana Field for all you newbies out there.. Tropicana field home of the Tampa Bay Rays.....

Biglou had a great time rooting AGAINST the Redsox.... The Sox had their ace, Johnny Lester going..... Johnny threw about 120 pitches in 4 innings..... Johnny threw 40 pitches in the First Inning... Johnny has been throwing a lot of pitches the last few outings.... and not a lot of Innings....

The "great"  or at least he thinks he is "great"  BJ UPTON hit a grand salami today, to pretty much bury the SAWX.....

The Sawx are falling apart... They are just 3.5 games ahead of the Rays, and the SAWX look like they are running on fumes..

Biglou had a Turkey Leg and a Regular Mountain DEW for just $14.....$14 for the turkey leg and Dew.... Biglou not complaining, he is just saying.....

On Biglou's way to the TROP  he stopped at Miller-Stengel Field.  which once was home of the New York Yankees Spring Training from 1925-1961...The field is in St. Petersburd, and everyone should go to it. ..... How bout that....  Pretty interesting place...  It is just a little park in the middle of a little old neighborhood... Nothing special... it  has a little lake in the outfield... It is just a beautiful place....

Biglou is looking for pictures for you so hold on....

This park looks Today, just like it looked 80 years ago... It is amazing ...Even the Water Tower that you can see in one of the pictures is still there today....

biglou recommends any baseball or history person go see this hallowed ground....

Biglou really recommends it to all Baseball Historians out there.....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

BUCK in the RAIN.....bombers lose in the rain

biglou watched all of the fiasco last nite and today, between the O birds and the bronx bombers..  Biglou thought it was all a sham.... and biglou really liked buck showalter arguing with the umpires in the rain last nite about 1:30 in the morning....

Buck don't care about rain sleet, snow or what the O's record is, He will fight for his team no matter what....Biglou thinks Buck is nuts......

Monday, September 5, 2011

Montero goes deep twice.. WHERE IS JORGE????

 Everyone was happy Jose Montero went deep twice for the Yankees today against the O's.. Everyone came out to meet him after he hit the 2nd one.. Biglou did NOT see Jorge Posado congratulating JOSE..  Biglou did NOT SEE Jorge all Day.. Biglou is wondering Where is Jorge.....   Biglou just invented the game Where's JORGE..

There is Jorge in the clubhouse... oops there he is in the bullpen... ooops there he is at the end of the bench

Mo shaky again...He keeps throwing that little curve ball low and away to righties... What is up with Mo...

Yanks pitching looked Horrible against. O's

Friday, September 2, 2011

Yankees Win, Red Sox Lose.!!!!!! Bomber back on TOP

Ivan Nova  cane did it again.. He won... Is Nova the #2 pitcher on the Yanks....  .. Maybe Nova is the #1 pitcher on the Yanks...  Could it b..... Biglou has Nova, CC, then Freddie going for the Playoffs for the Yankeess..  

Biglou puts Hughes in the Bully,  and Biglou puts Burnett in the Bully and lock him up in their...

Brett Gardner hit a Homerun tonite...He actually pulled the ball.. He didn't slap a ground ball to the shortstop...  crazy stuff...

And while the Yankees were winning,   The Red Sox got run ruled by the Rangers.... So the Bronx Bombers are in 1st place... if that means anything...

Mariano shaky again..... but he got another save!!!!!!!!

Is it over for the great Mariano Rivera....  It looks like Mariano isn't throwing the cutter IN on Left handed hitters like he use to.... It looks like he is throwing more backdoor, outside pitches to those Lefties.

Is the great Mariano afraid of coming in on good power hitting Lefties...

And how about that AJ Burnett last nite.   Biglou watched AJ pitch all of 5 Innings last nite... WOW....Biglou was waiting for AJ to get Blown up, But before that happened Joe Girardi went to the Big Lefty Boone Logan, and Biglou was suprised to see Boone do his ONE JOB... Boone Logan got a Left handed BAtter OUT....

The Headline of the DAY... Boone Logan gets a Lefty OUT......

Mariano got another save tonite. Over the Blue Jays,  The Bombers won 3-2... So, Mariano got a save Thursday, and then he got a Save Tonite, Friday...

Maybe he aint done yet afterall.....!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Brain kenney is leaving ESPN....

Biglou has a scoop...  Biglou has learned the Brain Kenney is leaving ESPN and going the to MLB NETWORK....

Brian Kenney is a BIG Yankee fan, and Biglou  wonders if ESPN let him go because he Does Not Like the REd Sox... and as Biglou has told everyone,  ESPN stands for RED Sox Network... 

Will AJ Burnett get out of the 3rd inning tonite.....

Probably the biggest start of the year for AJ Burnett tonite against the BOSOX.... Will AJ get out of the 3rd inning tonite?????   The smart money is on the UNDER....if he goes into the 7th,  $100 will get you $500.....

If you got a $100 to waste give that a try.... GOOD  LUCK>.  Biglou got the UNDER on the 3rd INNING...

Also lets pick up the pace on these games... Biglou is getting tired....

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Biglou's Sporting News of the Day..... When did ESPN become the Redsawx Local TV Network???

Biglou had to watch the Yankee game last nite on ESPN.. Biglou did not know that ESPN stands  for.. "We are the Boston Redsox TV channel"... Biglou did not know that...

While watching the Yankee game on the new Redsox TV channel, Biglou had to listen to Mr. Know-it-all "Curt Schilling" and his Redsox Partner  who was traded before they won anything NOMAAAAR....Nomaar was let go by the RedSucks right when they got good... and NOMAAR got real BAD,  REAL Quick....

Whatever happened to NOMAAAR... he now works for the REDSOX TV NETWORK also Known as ESPN...

By the way, Phil Hughes did NOT make it out of the sixth inning... Did anyone think Phil Hugles would make it out of the 6th Inning... Biglou did not.... Biglou predicted Phil Hughes would not make it out of the sixth inning...

And This Brook Logan....  Does Brook Logan ever get a left handed batter out???   Brook Logan has ONE JOB..... GET David Ortiz OUT......  That is it....Jacoby Elsbury went deep off of him..... a lefty.....  

Sporting News of the Day....??? Will Phil Hughes Drill Anyone Tonite????

Question of the Day... ????  Who will Phil Hughes throw at tonite... in retribution for the Francisco Cervelli incident????

Biglou Sporting News of the DAY.........CC finally Beats Sawx

The Sawx don't like Francisco Cervalli...

Biglou watched the Yanks beat the Sawx last nite on the MLB network.. They had the game televised by NESN., so Biglou had to listen to that bitter man, Jerry Remy...Remy is a typical Sawx crybaby...Biglou don't like Jerry....

CC threw 127 pitches in 6 innings... Biglou counted every pitch... One , two, three... and so on and so on.....Yanks Won... 10 strikeouts for CC.. 10 hits allowed.... a little too much..NO HRs allowed!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phil Hughes goes tonite.... Biglou will see how that goes....If Phil goes 6 innings it will be a miracle.....

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sport Story of the Day???? Yankees Redsox.....

Everyone is talking football, but not Biglou.... Everyone is talking Giants Jets.. But not Biglou..  Biglou is talking Yankee, RedSox.... CC is pitching for the Yanks... CC is not too good against the Bosox....  Biglou hates the way people say BOSOX... biglou says BOOSOX... Biglou not fan of Bosox...... So CC pitching tonite... Biglou says he will do well...  CC is real Big... not sure who is pitching for Bosox...   Not sure what channel the game is on... Biglou don't get the YES , or NESN... Hopefully the MLB channel will have the game on and Hopefully they will have the game from YES, so Biglou can listen to people he can understand... Those anouncers on NESN talk funny...  They say the sawx and all that nonsense..The sawx from BAWSTON....  Horrible...

Biglou loves listening to the Red Sawk announcers cry about every pitch and call that don't go their way... In tonite's game the guy on the Sawx Clearly swings and gets hit by the pitch, and Jerry Remy bites his tongue to say the umpires got it wrong.......  They never say anything good about the Yankees, and they shouldn't...  They are Homers and that is the way it is... So be it....   The Sawx Lost by the way.... and that is the way it should be.....  So be it..